Art 1 –

Warm Up: #31 – Still Life

1.      Draw the still life on your table

2.      Add color

Today’s Focus: Still Life/Composition Notes  

Eye Tracker Technology – Focal Point – Research: Eye Tracker

Homework: This week’s homework is ________


Choosing Your Composition

Keys to a Good Design

·       View Finder- Frame Focus

·       Zoom in and Crop

·       Run off the page

·       Asymmetrical

·       5 Values at least – Think light, medium, dark

·       Interesting Positive and Negative Shapes and Spaces

·       Check your proportions

·       Check your angles

·       Contrast – make 2 things next to each other different values

·       Texture – make the surfaces look different

·       Draw what you see

·       Think in odd numbers

·       Draw BIG!!!

Focal Point

More Contrast in Values
More in Focus
More Detail

Checklist/Rubric for Still Life

1.            Fabric and texture

2.            Metallic, White and Transparent Objects

3.            At LEAST 5 values (darkest darks/lightest lights and at least 3 values in between.

4.            Run off the page

5.            Pick 1 Shading Technique (hatching/cross-hatching/blending/stippling or some type of shading technique)

6.            Pick 1 composition – Triangle, Oval, L-Shape, Diagonal

7.            Have a focal point – (tic-tac-toe) In focus, more detail…

8.            At LEAST 1 geometric form

9.            At LEAST 1 organic form

10.    At LEAST 3 objects (think in odd numbers)

11.    (Color)

Art 1 –
Warm Up: #32 – Choose your Still Life Composition


1.      Divide your warm up space into 4 sections.

2.      Draw 4 different thumbnail sketches of different compositions of the still lifes.

3.      Include at least 3 objects in your sketches.

4.      Triangle, Oval, L-Shape and Diagonal

5.      Use the view finder and review your composition notes and focal point check list.

Today’s Focus:  Still Life
Homework: View through a door or down a hall…


Art 1 -
Warm Up: #32 – Art Career: Graphic Designer

Use the information I give you to make an informative, awareness poster.

You are an artist – make it creative, beautiful and grab someone’s attention.

Do the sketch in your warm up section, then make a big one on the pink paper.


Today’s Focus:  Breast Cancer Posters & Work on Still Life

Homework: Homework Drawing - View looking through a door or down a hall

Art 1 –

Label your warm up #33- Clear or Shinny

Warm Up: #33 – Clear or Shinny

1.      Draw a clear or shinny object.

2.      Paint the object with watercolor paint today to add color in your warm up.

3.      Clean up your area and make sure the watercolor paint and brushes are clean and organized better than you found them!

Today’s Focus:  Work on Still Life

Homework: Homework Drawing (Thursday) View looking through a door or down a hall


Art 1 – 3.16.11

Warm Up: #34 - Watercolor

1.      Draw the still life you plan to draw for your final drawing .

2.      Color it in with watercolor paint.

3.      Put the paint and brushes back BETTER than you found them!

Today’s Focus:  Work on Still Life


Art 1 –

Warm Up: #35 – Wet on Wet Watercolor Techniques

1.      Divide your paper into 4 sections

2.      Label each section:

A-Wet on Wet (Wet paint brush on Wet Paper)

B-Dry on Wet (Relatively Dry brush on Wet Paper)

C-Wet on Dry (Wet paint brush on Dry Paper)

D-Dry on Dry (Relatively Dry brush on Dry Paper)

3.       Experiment with each technique.

Today’s Focus:  Work on Still Lifes

If you finish your still life, Begin a new still life and composition using watercolor today!! 

Art 1 –
Warm Up: #36 – Stream of Consciousness

1.      Fill up your warm up space with your thoughts on:

I think…   or I believe…    or I feel…

2.      Then paint over your words with watercolor

Today’s Focus:  Finish Drawing Still Life Drawings and Begin working on Watercolor Still Life Paintings

and Vis J if time

Homework:  This week is ________________________

Art 1

Warm Up: #37 – Layers

1.      Create an image today with multiple layers.

2.      You might overlap words, pictures, media, techniques, etc…

Today’s Focus:

Still Life Drawings, Watercolor Still Life, Visual Journal, Finish anything you are still working on

Homework: This week __________________

Art 1  - Warm Up: #38 – Found Text

1.      Find text you can cut out of a newspaper, old book, telephone book or magazine, etc..

2.      Glue the text into your warm up and use it in some way – mark through words, cut the words out into a shape, overlap words to make textures, etc….

3.      Get creative with the found text, then try it in your visual journal some time!!

Today’s Focus:

Still Life Drawings, Watercolor Still Life, Visual Journal, Finish anything you are still working on


Homework: This week _______________________

Art 1  
Warm Up: #39 – Drawn Text

1.      Draw large and dynamic letters and words into your warm up.

2.      Try block letters or bubble letters.

3.      Experiment with the size, style, shape and color of the letters as you hand draw your text and words.

4.      Try using drawn text in your Vis J sometime!!

Today’s Focus:

Still Life Drawings, Watercolor Still Life, Visual Journal, Finish anything you are still working on


Homework: This week _______________________

Art 1  - Warm Up: #40 – Quotes, Poems, and Lyrics

1.      Meaningful quotes, poems and song lyrics are another source of text for your journals.

2.      Use your own quote, poem or song lyrics of your choice as the inspiration in your warm up today.

3.      Make sure you give credit to the person who said it!

4.      If you can’t think of a quote, poem or lyric you may use the following:

I hate flowers - I paint them because they're cheaper than models and they don't move.”
                                                                -Georgia O'Keeffe

Today’s Focus:

Still Life Drawings, Watercolor Still Life, Visual Journal, Finish anything you are still working on…



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