Art 2 –

Warm Up: #21 – Color Portrait Ideas

1.          Think about what you could do to make your portrait unique.  Different from 1000 other high school portraits.  What do you want to say?  Think about your expressions, color choices, negative space, etc.

2.          Do some brainstorming on your own about what you could “say” with your portrait.

3.          Do several (at least 4) thumbnail sketches of color portrait ideas.

Today’s Focus:  Finish B&W Face

Begin sketches for color portrait


Art 2 –

Warm Up: #22 Journaling & Expressing our Thoughts

1.           Today – write two paragraphs expressing your thoughts
– what is on your mind?
– what are you trying to express in your portrait?

2.           Then think about a way you could include words or text in your portrait.

3.           Do a little thumbnail sketch of how you might include text in your visual art.

By the way – I just wanted to let you all know how much you inspire me!  You all are so creative!  I look forward to seeing your thoughts and ideas come alive through your art!  Thank you for working so hard and for thinking so creatively!

Today’s Focus:  Color Portrait/ Grade Projects/Warm Ups

Art 2 –

Warm Up: #23 - Define Art

Write a journal entry defining art in your own words.

Today’s Focus:  Color Portraits

Homework: This week: ______________________




Art 2 –

Warm Up: #24 – Cartoon Faces

1.          Use what you know about facial proportions to draw some cartoon faces.

2.          Give your characters names and personalities.

3.          Color them in using a media of your choice.

Today’s Focus:  Color Portrait


Art 2 –

Warm Up: #25 – Watercolor Plastic Technique

1.           Paint a watercolor wash on your warm up page

2.           While it is still wet crunch a piece of plastic on your page.

3.           Let it dry while you work on your portrait

4.           Pull it up after about 40 minutes so the rest will have time to dry!

5.           Try it in your Vis J sometime!!  It makes really textures!

(It’s kind of like one Big bubble wrap page!)

Today’s Focus:  

1. Finish Color Portrait

2. Visual Journal


Art 2 –

Warm Up: #26 – Watercolor Salt

1.           Paint a watercolor wash on your warm up page

2.           While it is still wet sprinkle some salt on your page.

3.           Let it dry while you work on your Portrait and Hound Dog Painting.

4.           Go to the trash can and wipe the salt off in about 40 minutes or so!

5.           Try it in your Vis J sometime!!  It makes really cool textures!

Today’s Focus:  1. Last day to work on the Portrait

2. Work on any other projects you need to finish up.

3. Vis J Time! Try the watercolor plastic technique.


Art 2 –

Warm Up: #27 – Figure Drawing

1.      Find a picture in a magazine of a person from head to toe and glue it into your sketchbook.

2.      Then draw the person and their environment.


Today’s Focus: Finish Portraits/Vis J/  



Art 2 –

Warm Up: #28 – Five Contour Figures

1.      Find Five Figures (people from head to toe)

2.      Draw their contours – (their outline)

3.      Fill them in with patterns.

Today’s Focus:  Action Figures


Art 2 –

Warm Up: #29 – Mr. or Mrs. Bones

Draw the skeleton in your warm up journal

Today’s Focus:  Action Figures

Homework: $5

Art 2 –

Warm Up: #30 – Gesture Drawings

Look at some of your gesture drawings from yesterday.

Create a drawing of a person by looking at your drawings.

Today’s Focus:  Gesture Drawings and Contour Figures







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